A better understanding of Aspirin and Bone Health

INTRODUCTION Over-the-counter medicines are medicines that can be bought from a drugstore without a prescription and one of the most common over-the-counter medicines used all over the world is Aspirin. This medicine available worldwide belongs to the class of NSAIDs (Non-Steroid Anti-Inflammatory Drugs), being the first one to be discovered in this particular class of drugs. ASPIRIN As the name […]

What is Light Therapy and how does it help fight depression?

SEASONAL AFFECTIVE DISORDER (SAD) SAD- also called Seasonal Depression is classified by bouts of depressive episodes, during seasonal changes, especially having the winter season as their trigger. This is because, in the winter season, the exposure to sunlight is very little, thus disturbing the circadian rhythm of the human body, causing mood swings, hormonal imbalances and in worst cases, depression. […]