The growth of remote healthcare and telehealth

Let’s begin with understanding what remote healthcare and telehealth mean. Remote healthcare and telehealth are terms that describe the use of digital technologies to deliver health services and information over distance. The global telehealth market has witnessed significant growth in recent years, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic, which has increased the demand and supply of virtual care.  Fortune Business Insights […]

Improving Patient Outcomes: How Medical Surveys Can Inform Treatment Decisions

Every healthcare professional and organization aims for the timely use of personal health services to improve patient outcomes.  From promoting general physical and mental health to ensuring the well-being of people worldwide, improving patient outcomes has a far-fetched positive impact.  But, what exactly does it involve? Patient outcomes include several aspects of healthcare delivery that patients value highly when seeking […]

A better understanding of Aspirin and Bone Health

INTRODUCTION Over-the-counter medicines are medicines that can be bought from a drugstore without a prescription and one of the most common over-the-counter medicines used all over the world is Aspirin. This medicine available worldwide belongs to the class of NSAIDs (Non-Steroid Anti-Inflammatory Drugs), being the first one to be discovered in this particular class of drugs. ASPIRIN As the name […]

What is Light Therapy and how does it help fight depression?

SEASONAL AFFECTIVE DISORDER (SAD) SAD- also called Seasonal Depression is classified by bouts of depressive episodes, during seasonal changes, especially having the winter season as their trigger. This is because, in the winter season, the exposure to sunlight is very little, thus disturbing the circadian rhythm of the human body, causing mood swings, hormonal imbalances and in worst cases, depression. […]

How to Design Effective Medical Surveys for Your Practice

Medical surveys can provide valuable insights and benefits for healthcare practices, but they also require careful planning and execution. According to a 2021 survey by the American Medical Association, 85% of physicians use telehealth, but only 60% agree that it enables them to provide high-quality care. This and several other studies point out that there is plenty of room for […]